Apollo: Back to the Moon

Total Seasons :1Total Episodes : 2

irected by François Pomès, this two-part documentary chronicles the epic adventure of the Apollo space program, which included both tragic setbacks and historic successes. The first phase takes place against a backdrop of the Cold War, from the disaster of the Apollo 1 mission to the triumph of the Apollo 8 mission. The last stage culminates with the Apollo 11 space flight which landed American a...

Apollo: Back to the Moon


Impossible Challenge

1. Impossible Challenge

A chronicle of the Apollo space program; the first phase takes place against a backdrop of the Cold War, from the disaster of Apollo 1 to the triumph of the Apollo 8 mission.

Air Date : 2019-07-01

Ultimate Mission

2. Ultimate Mission

The Apollo space program embraces tragic setbacks and historic success; the last stage includes the Apollo 11 space flight which landed the first two people on the Moon.

Air Date : 2019-07-01


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