On Death Row

Total Seasons :2Total Episodes : 8

A two part series on an inside look at a maximum security prison in Texas featuring interviews with death row inmates.


James Barnes

1. James Barnes

Werner Herzog interviews death row inmate James Barnes.

Air Date : 2012-03-09

Linda Carty

2. Linda Carty

Werner Herzog interviews death row inmate Linda Carty.

Air Date : 2012-03-16

Joseph Garcia and George Rivas

3. Joseph Garcia and George Rivas

Werner Herzog interviews prisoners Joseph Garcia and George Rivas as they await execution in the United States.

Air Date : 2012-03-23

Hank Skinner

4. Hank Skinner

Werner Herzog interviews Hank Skinner, an inmate on death row.

Air Date : 2012-03-30


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