Total Seasons :1Total Episodes : 30
During the French mandate of Syria, ex-boxing champion Taj is accused of collaborating with the colonizer. Disgraced, he wages a ruthless war to clear his name.
The life of Taj, a former boxing champion, is turned upside down after a failed assassination attempt on Colonel Joel of the French colonial army.
Air Date : 2024-03-11
Nouran visits her ex-husband Taj to see their daughter Salma. Saleem offers Taj a risky mission. Later, Taj finds himself in a sticky situation after a gambling game.
Air Date : 2024-03-12
Struggling to find a way out of the financial bond dilemma, Taj reconsiders Saleem's offer.
Air Date : 2024-03-13
Taj prepares to fight a Nazi boxer in the French barracks, putting in motion his and Saleem's plan to gain access to secret files on the informer.
Air Date : 2024-03-14
Following Syria's declaration of independence, Saleem tries talking Taj into giving their mission another shot.
Air Date : 2024-03-15
As Saleem attempts to hide the secret files in a secure location, Taj seeks Marion's assistance to rescue Subhi from the hospital.
Air Date : 2024-03-16
Zakaria continues interrogating Saleem. Meanwhile, Taj tries to locate the files Saleem concealed before his arrest.
Air Date : 2024-03-17
Taj devises a plan to blackmail Zakaria into releasing Saleem from prison by taking compromising photos of him.
Air Date : 2024-03-18
Taj reveals to Saleem that Jenny stole the files. Colonel Joel pressures Zakaria to find out how Saleem managed to escape.
Air Date : 2024-03-19
Taj begins interrogating Jenny so he can get his hands on the secret files. Henry leaves the hospital with vengeance blazing in his eyes.
Air Date : 2024-03-20
A terrified Nouran tells her father all about Riyad’s secret basement. Hanan gets arrested during student protests.
Air Date : 2024-03-21
As Riyad gets the credit for releasing the students from military detention, Jenny convinces Taj to work with her on a mission that would serve a common goal.
Air Date : 2024-03-22
Taj and his comrades revel in their accomplished mission in a fleeting victory. Joel gets his eagerly-awaited confrontation.
Air Date : 2024-03-23
As Joel continues to interrogate Jenny, Henry's patience wears thin, leading him to storm into Taj's house.
Air Date : 2024-03-24
Taj and Nouran patch things up and join forces to take Riyad down. Meanwhile, Riyad seeks Joel’s protection.
Air Date : 2024-03-25
As Jenny attempts to mislead Joel in his quest to find Taj, the latter executes a plan that could turn the tables.
Air Date : 2024-03-26
As Saleem publishes a piece in his newspaper to pressure Joel into accepting Taj's offer, Riyad's search for the latter turns into a relentless hunt.
Air Date : 2024-03-27
After the hostage swap, Taj and his team concoct a master plan targeting Joel. Meanwhile, Nouran seeks Nada's help to unravel the mystery behind the photographs.
Air Date : 2024-03-28
Hanan's colleagues pressure her to turn her uncle in, while Riyad doubles down on his efforts to find Taj.
Air Date : 2024-03-29
After uncovering Riyad's secret, Zakaria pays him a visit in an attempt to blackmail him. Meanwhile, Joel subjects Taj to various forms of torture to coerce him to confess.
Air Date : 2024-03-30
Tensions ripple through Syria on Marion and Saleem's wedding day, as Germany faces defeat by the allied forces.
Air Date : 2024-03-31
Amidst the chaos following the bombing of the Syrian parliament, Taj seizes his chance for freedom, and sets out to defend his homeland.
Air Date : 2024-04-01
Nouran volunteers to help the nurses at the hospital, as tensions escalate amid the French onslaught on Damascus.
Air Date : 2024-04-02
Fleeing from the pursuing soldiers, the students decide to hide in the casino. Meanwhile, Taj and the rebels plan a major operation against the French.
Air Date : 2024-04-03
Joel receives a direct order from the General much to his chagrin. Meanwhile, Taj meets with Shafiq to reach an agreement that will benefit the country.
Air Date : 2024-04-04
After successfully faking his death, Taj decides to strike out at Riyad. Elsewhere, Shafiq begins investigating a corruption case involving some soldiers.
Air Date : 2024-04-05
As Zakaria storms Saleem's house demanding an explanation for the article, Riyad cowers in fear when he learns that he no longer has an ace in his hand.
Air Date : 2024-04-06
As Riyad reassures Nouran that he will return her daughter, Marion gets cold feet before the wedding.
Air Date : 2024-04-07
When Riyad seeks refuge at the French consulate fearing for his life, Taj organises a protest demanding his surrender.
Air Date : 2024-04-08
Air Date : 2024-04-09