An Italian Air Force officer is pursued and captured by the Allied police and is charged with the bombing of a hospital ship. Through the efforts of his sweetheart, a witness is found who proves the bombing was not intentional but the result of being hit by enemy fire. A four-way romantic involvement is also part of the mix that includes an Allied officer and Viennse beauty Lida. The latter was once in love with the accused and has a child by him.
Genre : Drama
0Release Date : 1952-04-18
(Giulio / Tenente Piero Valbruna)
(Fred Nolan)
(Operaio Siciliano)
(Operaio triestino)
(Ispettore capo della polizia)
(Harris, ufficiale di polizia e falso giornalista)
(Presidente del tribunale)
(Avvocato della difesa)
(Autista del taxi)
(Operaio con armonica)
(Sergio, il bambino)
(Avvocato dell'accusa)
(Cliente del bar in attesa di telefonare)
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(Impiegato ufficio ricerche)
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